Feminist Management + Wrangling

We work alongside clients in both an administrative and production capacity to keep each person on track with their projects and roles. This one-on-one style of management means we can adjust our workloads according to how often each client needs us.

What is it exactly that we do?
We’re not executive assistants. We’re not quite publicity or promotions (although we do dabble!). We’re managers – of you, your projects, and your timelines and schedules. We’re collaborators, and we work alongside you to get stuff done. If you have a project, a job, or an event that you need help with, that’s where we belong.
Bossy brings together our experiences across a range of creative and corporate projects (which you can read more of here). We can help you manage schedules, timelines, and calendars for projects both big and small. We put in the hard yards with you to get a book written, an art piece painted, or an event planned and produced. And if there’s something we don’t know, we’ll tell you – and give you some recommendations of people we think will best suit your needs.
We also have flexible schedules, so we can set aside as much or as little time as you need. If you're interested in setting up a time to chat and see what we can do to lighten the load, just get in touch.
Time and Calendar Management
One of most in-demand services, we handle time and calendar management for a number of clients. What does this look like? It’s different for every person, but can involve:
Sending and receiving emails on your behalf as your manager
Booking in meeting times for you with colleagues and peers
Juggling your professional responsibilities with the need to allocate some ‘creative’ time to actually get your work done
Managing your calendar can be difficult and time consuming. By taking this off your hands, we can cut down on the amount of time you spend at your desk, and ensure you have more time to actually do what you love – paint, sing, write, or something else altogether.
Project Management
This service can go hand-in-hand with the above; after all, projects usually demand a few timelines and calendars! Project management is a larger extension of your day-to-day work as a creative and is geared towards helping you produce a specific thing. We’ve previously helped people produce books, creative art pieces, music pieces, events, rallies, theatre shows, and independent film festivals. Each of these projects has had unique demands and timelines.
We can do the small stuff, and the big stuff. The small stuff means everything from sitting next to you as you write (there's nothing like having someone in the room with you for accountability), while the big stuff may be helping you plan a panel discussion for over 200 people, or getting a book written and successfully pitched to a publisher.
Social Media Management
Think of us as your social media guardian angels. We’re here to keep you on social media for the sake of your networks and connections, but away from the abuse, harassment, and distractions that it can involve. We can do everything from planning and executing short and long term social media calendars and promotional strategies, through to immediate crisis management. Having previously experienced the best and worst of social media platforms ourselves, we can ensure that word gets out about your upcoming event, project, or appearance – whilst also shielding you from the worst that the internet may hold.
Podcast Producing
We love a good podcast and can help you on your journey. There are many different styles of podcasts, from interview-based to narrative storytelling.
If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got your back. Customised to the individual by specialising in a fun, collaborative approach. Our podcast pathways cover:
Understanding clients style and tone
Podcast Production; Guest Research and Scheduling
Audio Management and Editing
Even creating a snazzy custom intro and outro — let us know how you want it to sound
By taking things step by step, the podcast world won’t be so overwhelming.

And Everything Else…
There are more things we offer here that aren’t listed above – that’s because they’re typically used in combination with other services. We’re always happy to negotiate adding these into services into our work for you, or completing these services alone:
Grant, fellowship, and award applications
Assistance with pitching for shows, events, and festivals
Financial and budgeting assistance
CV updates and job application advice
If there’s something here that we’ve missed, chances are we know someone else who can do it and will happily refer you their way.